Ask A Puppy Trainer Show

Does Your Puppy Refuse to Potty On Walks? | Ep. 175

The Puppy Academy Episode 175

Having a puppy learn where their “potty spot” is and use it consistently is a huge breakthrough in the potty training process!

But for some pups they can get so comfortable going in one spot, they don’t want to go anywhere else! (This even happens with some of our new students at our day school and it can take them a few days to start going to a new spot with us!)

Although consistency is great, having your pup be able to potty on command wherever you need them to instead of holding it until they get home is important both for convenience and health reasons. The good news is you can teach them how to go in multiple areas and you can do this rather quickly too!

 Check out the timestamps to find what other puppyhood help you’d like answers on and join us every Wednesday at 1pm PT on Instagram or TikTok to ask your questions live!

Full episodes can be viewed on our YouTube channel every Monday. To get notified when it’s ready, sign up for our VIP (Very Important Puppy) list and we’ll email it to you directly!

Ep 175 Timestamps:

*2:33 - How to potty train a rescue puppy who only pees and poops in the backyard and not on walks
6:43 - Is it normal for a 5-month-old male Staffy to bite other dogs' ears and neck and try to stand on them during play or is this dominance? 
11:01 - Training treat recommendations for a toy poodle
12:54 - How to help an 11-month-old Australian/Cattle Dog/Terrier mix with separation anxiety 
17:29 - How to stop one of your 17-week-old Labrador puppy siblings from barking incessantly in the crate
23:15 - Is it okay to have toys in the crate for an 8-month-old Cavapoo?
24:12 - Could a puppy be mistaking a shaggy rug for grass when peeing in the house?
27:55 - Can resource guarding be for specific items?

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