Ask A Puppy Trainer Show

Crate vs. Playpen: What’s Better for Potty Training? | Ep. 164

The Puppy Academy Episode 164

The playpen and the crate are two tools we love using for young puppies.

But when it comes to potty training, is one better than the other? Can you use either to potty train? If you have a playpen but not a crate, should you get a crate?

In Episode 164 of the Ask A Puppy Trainer Show, Sparky goes over the difference between each tool, what we recommend using for potty training, and how to potty train using both!

Check out the timestamps to find what other puppyhood help you’d like answers on and join us every Wednesday at 1pm PT on Instagram or TikTok to ask your questions live! 

Full episodes can be viewed on our YouTube channel every Monday. To get notified when it’s ready, sign up for our VIP (Very Important Puppy) list and we’ll email it to you directly!

Ep 164  Timestamps:

*1:37 - Crate vs playpen for potty training - what’s better?
3:41 - What to do when you puppy potties inside after being outside
7:27 - What to do with an 11-week-old male Staffy that keeps barking and jumping 
11:39 - Tips for teaching "No" to a deaf and blind puppy
13:48 - Tips for leash training a 4-month-old Cockapoo who chews the leash and throws himself on the floor
17:56 - How to get your puppy to be good in the crate for longer hours while you’re gone 
22:49 - How to increase your puppy’s crate time when they’re used to sleeping out of the crate 
27:36 - How much out of the crate time should a 13 week-old-old puppy get?
29:56 - How often should you give water to a 13-week-old puppy 

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